2007 Martin Hippie

2007 Martin Hippie
Groovy! Rad! Far out, man! They say that if you remember the ‘60s you weren't there and I tend to agree, having thankfully forgotten a lot about them. On the other hand, the good people at the Martin Guitar Co. decided some years ago to commemorate those wild times in their own inimitable fashion, with a themed guitar of course. So here we have it, a prime example replete with all the iconography of the day: The words “PEACE” and “LOVE” writ large right across the top, a buncha doves around the soundhole, a peace symbol and a yin-yang symbol right across the upper portion of the top and on the peghead, for all the world to see, the emblem of the entire hippie lifestyle, you guessed it, a great big FLOWER, for FLOWER POWER!. Of course. And yes, it’s a real Martin guitar, plays like one too. This guitar is # 24 of 200 that were allegedly made though I have no proof that they actually did make that many. Has a label inside with its “24 of 200” number hand-written on it, and CF Martin IV’s hand-written signature right beside the label. Comes with its original Martin Shamelessly Yellow hard shell case. Cain’t get no better'n this. Only $1349 w/ohsc