All purchases made from this website - as well as any made via phone orders - are granted a 24-hour approval period. If you decide not to keep the merchandise, you may ship it back to us, in the original carton with all accompanying packaging and paperwork. When we receive the item in its original condition, we will refund the entire amount of the purchase. The customer is responsible for all shipping costs.
Prices, quantities, and availability of items on this website are subject to change. While we strive to provide a satisfying experience for all of our customers, if a listed item is sold, out of stock, differs or has changed in description, pricing, or attributes from what is listed on this website, we reserve the right to cancel any order that cannot be filled accordingly. Of course, in the event that a problem such as this may occur, we will be happy to try do what we can to arrive at an agreeable solution with the customer.
For domestic orders, we accept Mastercard, Visa, American Express, and Discover cards.
International orders are subject to approval.