Part Parts Parts

Looking for just the right part for your guitar; recent, old, or way older? There's tons of it here, enough, as one wag put it, to Sink The Bismarck. There are tuning machines and tailpieces from Grover, Waverly, and Kluson. And then there are the really old parts, some of them from the 19th century, tuning machines that absolutely no one makes anything even close to today. Restoring an old Martin? Here you are. And I’ve got more, so much that I haven't gotten to posting online yet: mother-of-pearl fingerboard inlays from the 1920s-30s; patent pegs from old banjos, some with Ivoroid buttons; nut and saddle blanks that were gotten and stored more than forty years ago; first-quality, never-used Martin ebony bridges and slotted fingerboards that are more than thirty years old, the kind of thing that Martin will not sell today. And more. Have a project that wants something much nicer than current replicas? Ask, please.