Martin Custom Shop Guitars (April 14, 2014)

CF Martin & Co. designed the basics for the world's best steel-string guitars over 180 years ago and no one has been able to make substantial improvements since. Today, their Custom Shop takes this a step further, with every instrument they build having its own individual, special set of specifications, and with the entire guitar being assembled by their very best builders in a special area of the factory.

"Having been a guitar maker, both privately and in factories, a restorer, and a repair person at different times over the past fifty years, as well as a dealer of vintage instruments, I love to think about what makes great guitars great. When I order a special instrument from Martin's Custom Shop, I personally specify every minute detail, not only cosmetically so that there'll be visual harmony, but structurally and materially, including all the internal and external components, so that the result will be a superior, beautifully balanced instrument." -Matt Umanov


Every Custom Shop Martin we offer in our store has had the same detailed personal thought put into it, and we sincerely hope you'll agree when you play them.


Click for Martin Custom Shop Inventory.