DONT LOOK BACK (October 14, 2015)
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the release of D.A. Pennebaker’s iconic move, DONT LOOK BACK, following Bob Dylan’s London tour of 1965. In conjunction with this event, Paul Stuart, the exclusive menswear fashion store that has been on Madison Avenue here in New York City for over seventy-five years, has displayed in their store, and in all of their windows at Madison and 45th Street, stills from the movie, Dylan album covers, photographs, memorabilia, special Limited Edition Hohner harmonicas, and several guitars. We were asked to provide those guitars for display and were happy to give them a stunning, black, custom-made steel-string acoustic by master builder Danny J. Brown, a beautiful Fender American Vintage Series ’65 Stratocaster, and several vintage steel-string acoustics. And for those of you who are deep Dylan fans, you might like to know that the late-1920s Gibson Nick Lucas model that Bob plays throughout the movie was brought to me by him, in 1971, to be rebuilt, which I personally restored for him.
You are all invited to a signing by D.A. Pennebaker of copies of the DVD and Blu-Ray boxed set at Paul Stuart on Thursday, November 5th, from 6PM-8PM. We also encourage all of you who can’t make it to the signing to look in at the store windows, of which there are eleven wrapping around the corner of Madison and 45th, just blocks from Grand Central Station. The exhibit will be up through Friday, November 16th.